
Clicking the “Donate” button will bring you to Spreading Hands’ secure PayPal checkout page. You may select a one-time or recurring contribution, and you do not need a PayPal account to process your donation.

Spreading Hands is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN #61-1747337. Your donation is fully tax deductible.

Donate by Check

To make a donation by check or money order, please mail to:

Spreading Hands
PO Box 60211
Houston, TX 77205

Support Us While You Shop!

Amazon Smile

Next time you shop on Amazon, 0.5% of your purchases can support Spreading Hands! Go to and select Spreading Hands as your chosen charitable organization, then shop as usual. A percentage of all eligible purchases will go directly to Spreading Hands.

Fry’s Community Rewards Program

Earn rewards for Spreading Hands every time you shop at Fry’s and use your V.I.P Card! Just click below to sign up with your V.I.P. card and select Spreading Hands (Organization #88474) as the organization you want to support.

Providing Supplies and Materials

Do you want to make a difference in a child’s life?

If your answer is YES, please purchase this Bible from and send it to:

Spreading Hands
PO Box 60211
Houston, TX 77205

With your help, this Bible will be packaged up along with our backpacks and school supplies and given to children all over the world. Thank you for doing something with your YES!

If you’re interested in providing other materials such as school supplies, Bibles, or backpacks, please contact us at (480) 679-6345 or for more details.